DevOpser Joins the AWS Partner Network and Launches Beta Testing for Innovative Platform


DevOpser, a leading provider of DevOps as a Service, proudly announces its membership in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN). The APN is a global community of AWS Partners leveraging programs, expertise, and resources to develop, market, and deliver customer solutions.

DevOpser is actively seeking its inaugural customer to beta test its innovative Infrastructure as Code (IaC) platform powered by Terraform. This platform ensures compliance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).

Joining the APN marks a significant achievement for DevOpser, aligning with its mission to provide secure, scalable, and compliant cloud solutions. The platform caters to enterprise and federal security standards, enabling swift deployment without compromising on security. This empowers developers to focus on enhancing user experiences and deploying applications securely and efficiently.

Liat Hoffman, Founder of DevOpser, expressed excitement about joining the AWS Partner Network, emphasizing the opportunity to utilize AWS’ robust infrastructure to deliver unmatched security and scalability. Hoffman looks forward to collaborating with the inaugural beta customer to refine the platform for broader availability.

As an APN member, DevOpser joins a global network of over 130,000 Partners across more than 200 countries, collaborating with AWS to innovate, solve technical challenges, and deliver value to mutual customers.

DevOpser’s IaC solution encompasses a suite of features tailored to diverse security and operational needs:

  • Implementation of NIST CSF compliant Amazon EKS
  • Regular security updates and patches
  • Automated deployment with push-button simplicity
  • Comprehensive AWS architecture and Kubernetes management via Terraform and GitOps leveraging GitHub

Additionally, DevOpser has initiated its first solution submission through the AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR) process and aims to list in the AWS Marketplace. The platform, under development since October 2020, enters a crucial beta testing phase aimed at refining its features to meet market demands.

DevOpser’s approach streamlines infrastructure management, allowing developers to prioritize innovation and user experience. The IaC platform not only ensures compliance and security but also boosts productivity by automating repetitive tasks and standardizing environment setups.

For further details on DevOpser’s solutions or to schedule a demo, visit

