Nigerian blockchain group calls for fair resolution in Binance case

The Blockchain Industry Coordinating Committee of Nigeria (BICCoN), representing the Nigerian blockchain industry, has called for a balanced approach to resolving the ongoing legal issues between the cryptocurrency exchange Binance and the Nigerian government. This plea comes amid growing concerns about the implications for Nigeria’s blockchain ecosystem and its international reputation.

Call for Balanced Resolutions

BICCoN emphasizes the importance of a fair and transparent resolution to the legal battles involving Binance. They believe that constructive dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, including international partners, are crucial for addressing regulatory and compliance challenges in Nigeria’s virtual asset and Web3 industry.

Lucky Uwakwe, the president of BICCoN, highlighted the negative impact that the legal battles and the detention of Binance executives have had on the investment climate in Nigeria. He noted that these issues have created an atmosphere of uncertainty and risk, deterring potential investors and partners: “We recommend a fair and transparent resolution, constructive dialogue, and international collaboration to address regulatory and compliance challenges in Nigeria’s virtual asset and Web3 industry.” — Lucky Uwakwe, President of BICCoN

Importance of a Clear Regulatory Framework

While acknowledging the Nigerian government’s responsibility to ensure economic stability and regulatory compliance, BICCoN stresses the need for regulations that foster trust and confidence in the process. Uwakwe commended the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for developing a regulatory framework and urged a speedy conclusion to the process. He emphasized the importance of clear regulations, investor confidence, and enhanced regulatory capabilities to effectively manage the cryptocurrency market.

Immediate and Long-Term Benefits

BICCoN believes that a balanced approach can help resolve the current challenges fairly and sustainably. This approach will not only address immediate concerns but also foster collaborations that will empower Nigeria to create a supportive environment for the blockchain industry to thrive. According to Uwakwe, this will allow for sustainable sectoral growth and innovation in the future.

On February 26, Binance’s regional manager Nadeem Anjarwalla and the head of financial crime compliance, Tigran Gambaryan, were detained in Nigeria. Gambaryan had traveled from the U.S. to Nigeria to assist in the company’s defense against tax evasion and money laundering charges. Binance and its executives face two separate cases by the Federal Inland Revenue Service and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, focusing on tax evasion and money laundering/foreign exchange violations, respectively.

BICCoN’s advocacy for a balanced resolution underscores the need for a supportive regulatory environment that promotes innovation while ensuring compliance. By addressing these challenges through fair and transparent means, Nigeria can bolster its blockchain industry and enhance its standing in the international community.


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