Binance Appeals Against $4.3M Penalty Imposed by Canada Regulator

In a recent court appeal, Binance argued that it does not specifically target Canadian customers, claiming its activity in Canada is merely a byproduct of its international operations, according to a June 19 report by the Canadian Press. The exchange revealed that although it had previously attempted to establish a Canadian presence, these plans were abandoned. By May 2023, Binance had fully exited the Canadian market, citing new regulations on stablecoins and investor restrictions that made continued operations unfeasible. Despite its departure, Binance acknowledged the sentimental value of Canada, being the home country of its founder.

In May, the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) imposed a $4.3 million fine on Binance for non-compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and terrorist financing rules. FINTRAC claimed that between June 2021 and July 2023, Binance failed to report over 5,000 transactions of $10,000 or more. Additionally, despite having multiple opportunities, Binance failed to register as a money services business within the deadlines set by the regulator.

Beyond its issues in Canada, Binance is facing a multitude of legal challenges globally. In April, a class-action lawsuit was filed against the exchange in Canada, accusing it of violating securities laws. The plaintiffs allege that Binance sold crypto derivative products to everyday investors without proper registration, breaching Ontario’s Securities Act and federal regulations. This lawsuit, representing tens of thousands of Canadian investors, seeks compensation and the reversal of unauthorized trades.

Globally, Binance has also faced significant financial penalties. In November, the exchange settled with US authorities, agreeing to a $4 billion fine for violations of anti-money laundering and sanctions laws. Similarly, the Indian Financial Intelligence Unit imposed a $2.24 million fine, the largest ever against a crypto entity in the country, for failing to comply with AML regulations.

Binance’s regulatory and legal troubles illustrate the significant challenges faced by cryptocurrency exchanges operating across multiple jurisdictions. While the exchange continues to navigate these complexities, its ability to comply with global regulatory standards and address legal disputes will be critical to its long-term viability and reputation in the market.


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