Another step forward towards responsible vulnerability disclosure in Europe



ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, has expanded its role to bolster support for EU CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams) in Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) practices. Recently authorized as a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Numbering Authority, ENISA now assigns CVE Identifiers (CVE IDs) and publishes CVE Records for vulnerabilities identified or reported by EU CSIRTs under its coordination.

With a mandate to enhance cybersecurity resilience across the EU single market, ENISA has actively advocated for and aided in the adoption of CVD policies by EU Member States. This effort includes publishing guidelines, recommendations, and analyses to assist national CSIRTs in developing robust CVD frameworks.

Hans de Vries, ENISA’s Chief Cybersecurity and Operating Officer (COO), emphasized the critical role of promptly recognizing and addressing software vulnerabilities to safeguard digital security. He highlighted ENISA’s contribution in improving coordination among EU CSIRTs regarding reported vulnerabilities, which is now augmented by its CVE Numbering Authority status for more effective vulnerability management.

In alignment with the NIS2 directive, ENISA is also spearheading the development of a European Vulnerability Database (EUVD). This database aims to provide transparent access to comprehensive vulnerability information sourced from multiple stakeholders, including CSIRTs and vendors. To streamline vulnerability management efforts, the EUVD supports automation through the Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF).

Legislative advancements such as the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) will further address vulnerability disclosure requirements, underscoring ongoing efforts to bolster cybersecurity resilience across the EU.

Key Definitions and Frameworks:

Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD): A model ensuring vulnerabilities are publicly disclosed after responsible parties are given time to develop fixes or mitigation measures, thus reducing the risk of exploitation.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Programme: Aimed at cataloguing and defining publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities with a unique CVE Record assigned to each. ENISA, as a CVE Numbering Authority, now plays a pivotal role in this global initiative.

CVE Numbering Authorities (CNAs): Organizations responsible for assigning CVE IDs to vulnerabilities and publishing associated CVE Records. ENISA’s role as a CNA enhances its capacity to manage and coordinate vulnerability disclosures within the EU.

Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF): A standardized format for machine-readable security advisories, facilitating efficient vulnerability triage and remediation processes by cybersecurity professionals and organizations.

These initiatives underscore ENISA’s commitment to strengthening cybersecurity practices across Europe, ensuring coordinated responses to emerging threats and vulnerabilities in the digital landscape.

