Perego to Nova: “Defense is investing much more in artificial intelligence”


Matteo Perego of Cremnago, the Undersecretary of Defense, emphasized the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for driving technological progress in our country, provided it is used responsibly and is accompanied by ethical regulations.

Speaking to “Agenzia Nova” at the Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Palazzo Impero, Perego highlighted the increased investment in AI by the defense sector, driven by the significant impact of cyber warfare on national security. He stressed that while AI presents opportunities for growth, there is still a need to ensure correct usage and ethical oversight.

Perego noted the pivotal role of AI in cybersecurity, describing it as an accelerator in addressing modern threats. Despite increased investment, he acknowledged that Italy still has progress to make in competing with other nations and adapting to evolving challenges.

The undersecretary underscored the heightened risk posed by cyber warfare compared to traditional attacks, emphasizing the need for greater financial resources to defend against cyber threats. He warned of the potential consequences of a cyber attack, such as disrupting essential systems like banking and infrastructure.

Perego highlighted the versatility of AI, noting its capacity for both offensive and defensive applications in cybersecurity. Referencing conflicts like the one in Ukraine, he pointed out AI’s transformative role in drone management, revolutionizing modern warfare tactics.

