The Reserve Bank of India Issues Banking Advisory to Combat Rising Cybersecurity Threats


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a recent advisory to scheduled commercial banks, alerting them to the rising threat of cyberattacks. Released by the Department of Banking Supervision at the Central Office in Mumbai, the advisory underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures in today’s digital banking landscape.

Key to the RBI advisory is the role of Corporate Governance in ensuring accountability within banks. It stresses that IT Governance is integral to this framework, requiring strong leadership commitment, a well-defined organizational structure, and streamlined processes.

According to the RBI, effective IT Governance is a shared responsibility between the Board of Directors and Executive Management.

Technological Adoption in Banking

The RBI’s cybersecurity advisory acknowledges the widespread adoption of technology across banking operations. It notes that nearly every commercial bank branch has integrated technology to various extents, including core banking solutions (CBS) and alternative delivery channels like internet banking, mobile banking, phone banking, and ATMs.

Enhancing IT Governance: Recommendations from RBI

The advisory provides clear guidelines for banks to bolster their IT Governance:

Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of the Board and Senior Management is crucial for effective IT Governance. This ensures proper oversight and accountability for IT projects.

Organizational Framework: It recommends establishing an IT Strategy Committee at the Board level, comprising members with substantial IT expertise. This committee advises on strategic IT directions, reviews IT investments, and ensures alignment with business objectives.

IT Organizational Structure: Banks are advised to structure IT functions based on their size and business activities. This includes divisions such as technology and development, IT operations, IT assurance, and supplier management, each led by experienced senior officials to oversee IT systems effectively.

Implementation of IT Governance Practices

The RBI advisory emphasizes implementing robust IT Governance practices aligned with international standards such as COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies). These practices focus on value delivery, IT risk management, strategic alignment, resource management, and performance measurement.

Information Security Governance

Addressing information security, the RBI advises banks to establish comprehensive security governance frameworks. This involves developing security policies, defining roles and responsibilities, conducting regular risk assessments, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. The advisory recommends segregating the information security function from IT operations to enhance oversight and mitigate risks effectively.

Risk Management and Compliance

Highlighting the importance of risk management, the advisory stresses the integration of IT risks into banks’ overall risk management framework. This includes identifying threats, assessing vulnerabilities, and implementing controls to mitigate risks. Regular monitoring and oversight through steering committees are essential to ensure compliance with policies and regulatory standards.

