FinTech AffiniPay Expands Presence in Puerto Rico


“AffiniPay Expands Services to Puerto Rico for LawPay and CPACharge”

AffiniPay, a leading provider of online payment and software solutions tailored for professionals, has unveiled its expansion into Puerto Rico, introducing its LawPay and CPACharge services to the market.

With a robust presence established in the United States and Canada, where it serves over 80,000 accounting and law firms, AffiniPay remains dedicated to empowering attorneys and accounting professionals with secure and efficient payment processing options. The expansion of AffiniPay’s leading technology products underscores the company’s commitment to enhancing its market position and meeting the evolving needs of legal professionals in Puerto Rico.

Dru Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer of AffiniPay, expressed enthusiasm about the expansion, stating, “Expanding AffiniPay’s footprint to Puerto Rico is a significant step towards scaling our operations and enhancing customer satisfaction. We are excited to introduce our trusted payment solutions to professionals in Puerto Rico, providing them with the tools to manage transactions seamlessly and securely. This initiative not only demonstrates our unwavering commitment to serving professionals globally but also reflects our dedication to innovation and growth.”

The acquisition of MyCase by AffiniPay in 2022 has further strengthened the company’s position as one of the fastest-growing integrated legal practice management software and payments companies. MyCase, a trusted partner for small and solo firms in Puerto Rico since 2015, has paved the way for AffiniPay’s expansion into the region. With MyCase already available in Puerto Rico, AffiniPay is excited to introduce its LawPay and CPACharge services, further enriching its offerings in the market.

