Can AI grip the mechanism of daily life?


If you are not interested in reading this article, the short answer for you is…YES!

But if you are curious about what I might write below… then come with me on the beautiful journey of the HOW and WHY AI is a gift and a curse in our life.

Let`s begin with the simple fact that history has shown us the way of prosperity through the timeline of evolution, thus as far as we got and the more evolved we get as human beings the more destructive we have become with ourselves in general.

Why, you may ask?

Well curiosity of our nature, superiority complex to other human being, differences between social classes, education, health…. whatever you can think of, you name it.

And, my friend, we have found the reason of WHY!

Since this article is about AI being the grain of sand gripping the mechanism or let’s call it machinery of daily life and we also found the reason why it would do it, we now search the HOW it will grip it.

AI itself is harmless!

Now let’s stop for a second! WHAT?

Yes, it’s an ecosystem of its own, if we would leave it alone, someday maybe 200 or 1000 years from now, it would evolve in something in the background of the informational system, then evolve in something else and exactly as life itself, it would find a way to evolve by its own without the need of any human intervention…. let`s presume infinite energy supply and constant technologic evolution is given.

We human beings, since we have all the WHY and feel the urge to do something remarkable, we have to step in and help AI to evolve faster, just because WE can.

And at this point starts the adventure to find the scenario of HOW AI will grip the daily life machinery.

We started to develop machine learning, trying to achieve the goal of making a better and more sophisticated AI assistants, implementing AI in every possible field we can imagine.

At this point we started to feel threatened, since more and more jobs can and will be substituted by AI.

Ok, no harm there, employees need to adapt, companies need to adapt, professional evolution is needed and so on…

And let`s stop for a second here!

Yes, we as humans need to evolve and adapt to new situations, but this is what companies expect from the employees, everywhere, globally. If you cannot adapt, because you are either older generation, close to retirement, or any other reason, you will be substituted with AI, especially if you work in a field which can be automated.

Companies see this as an opportunity with more revenue generated, faster work, bigger workload, no sick leave, 24-hour availability, and so on and so forth…all the bells and whistles without extra expenses. But everything comes with a price.

Let me give you the possible scenario, of the HOW!

Let`s take a simple bakery, with 100 employees, from a local community of 1000 people. The daily production is 1000 bread every day. There is a grocery store, barber shop, bars, restaurants in the same community, everyone has its own job, earning a decent salary, and everything works just fine.

One day the CEO of the bakery, decides that he can earn more revenue if some of the task will be automated with AI, calculation of ingredients, optimization of baking times, recipes and so on and so forth. Because these tasks we performed initially by people, he no longer will need the service of these people, hence these salaries will remain within the company… those people will remain without income.

After task automation, AI will tell the CEO that if adequate machinery is installed, production will increase, less human power is needed, and more revenue will be generated. So more people will remain without income.

You’ll get the idea. And the chain reaction starts. Grocery store, barber shop, bars, restaurants starts experiencing customer decrease, with less revenue, less people will be needed. And once the snowball starts to roll down the hill, there will be no stop.

Evolution and progress is inevitable, no problem in that.

The problem is, those companies that feel the need to implement and automate more and more, forget the basic thing about trade.

You need someone to buy your product!

Imagine if every single produced thing in this world will be automated and controlled by AI, humans will have no income…. who will buy these products?

The future is bright…but for who exactly?


Prague Gaming & TECH Summit 2025 (25-26 March)