GIGABYTE, a global leader in computer hardware, is thrilled to announce that it will be participating in the prestigious India Gaming Show 2024. The 6th India Gaming Show 2024, an international gaming, animation, and infotainment event is being organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) from March 14 to 16 in Pune, India.
As a part of this collaboration, GIGABYTE will be setting up a highly interactive booth, showcasing its high-tech products including the G5 MF laptop and GS Series Monitors. Gamers in attendance will be able to test out a variety of top-notch AAA titles on GIGABYTE products, showcasing the hardware’s capabilities.
Supriya Gawde Mankame, the Asst. General Manager at GIGABYTE India, said, “At GIGABYTE, we’re thrilled to be part of the India Gaming Show 2024, showcasing our products directly to gamers. Our booth will offer an interactive experience, allowing attendees to test the G5 MF laptop and GS Series Monitors and witness the power of our hardware first hand. Additionally, with our 1v1 Counter-Strike 2 showdown, we’re providing an opportunity for gamers to compete
using our gaming laptops and win exciting prizes. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the GIGABYTE booth and being a part of the vibrant gaming community at IGS 2024 in Pune.”
Additionally, GIGABYTE will be hosting a 1v1 Counter-Strike 2 showdown where every gamer can participate. Gamers can register for the tournament at the booth to compete in the latest GIGABYTE gaming laptops and win exciting prizes.
The GIGABYTE 1v1 Counter-Strike 2 showdown will happen alongside the Skyesports Grand Slam 2024, an international esports event for the game at the India Gaming Show. The tournament will feature four teams – one from India, one from Australia, and two international invites – competing for a share of the $50,000 prize pool.
Furthermore, The Indonesian Embassy has partnered with Skyesports to host a historic diplomatic esports showmatch as India and Indonesia mark 75 years of diplomatic relations. It will feature a top team from Indonesia locking horns with the Indian champions to promote the gaming industries of both countries and explore avenues for further collaboration.
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