Stefania Barbaglio

Stefania Barbaglio

  • Founder and Director at Cassiopeia Services

Businesswoman focused on high- impact projects at the intersections of fintech, gaming, AI and Web 3 technologies with over 10 years’ experience in equity markets and crypto. Networking wizard with an unparalleled network across founders and investors communities, Stefania is a sought-after advisor, executive and angel investor. She is the founded the Public and Investor Relations agency Cassiopeia Services and is the creator of the financial + crypto podcast FinancialFox. Named as one of the British most extravagant crypto evangelists and businesswomen; Stefania is a public speaker and was featured as one of Yahoo Finance’s top 10 female influencers in 2022. She is a board member of London-listed Ondo Insurtech, the first UK-listed Insurtech company. Stefania is a fellow and alumna of Oxford University and has two MAs: International Journalism from Westminster University (UK) and TV Production from IULM University (Italy), and has executive qualifications in Venture Capital from Imperial College in London.

All Sessions by Stefania Barbaglio

Day 2 06/05/2024 9:00 am
Day 1 06/04/2024 8:00 am
Day 2 (27.03) 03/27/2024 12:00 am
Day 1 (26.03) 03/26/2024 8:00 am
Day 2 (27.03) 03/27/2024 12:00 am