
Discover the Upcoming I Love You Coin (ILUC) Listing on XT.COM


XT.COM, the world’s first socially infused trading platform, is thrilled to announce the listing of I Love You Coin on its platform in the Main zone and the ILUC/USDT trading pair will be open for trading from 2023-07-24 02:00 (UTC).

  • Users can deposit ILUC for trading at 2023-07-23 02:00 (UTC)
  • Withdrawals for ILUC will open at 2023-07-25 02:00 (UTC)

About ILUC

The ILUC (I Love You Coin) token is both an ERC-20 & BEP-20 token deployed on both the Ethereum & BNB blockchains with a total supply of 1 quadrillion tokens on each chain. ILUC is a unique cryptocurrency that was officially launched in May 2023 with the mission to promote love and friendship among people worldwide. In a world burdened by pandemics, wars, and negativity in the crypto space, ILUC emerges as a beacon of positivity and kindness. The global pandemic has highlighted the need for such a cryptocurrency, as people face anxiety, fear, and uncertainty, leading to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. ILUC aims to alleviate these problems by fostering positivity and kindness, which are crucial during times of crisis.

ILUC’s innovative business model revolves around promoting positivity and spreading love and kindness globally. Through partnerships with charities and non-profit organizations, ILUC allocates a percentage of its revenue to charitable causes, creating a win-win situation for both the cryptocurrency and charitable organizations. This unique approach appeals to users who value spreading love and kindness while investing in a cryptocurrency.

ILUC is more than just an investment option; it aims to become an integral part of people’s daily lives, promoting positivity and social cohesion. Users can send messages of love and kindness to friends and family, make charitable donations, and contribute positively to society. The focus on emotional impact, financial gains, and meaningful use cases makes ILUC a powerful cryptocurrency that strives to create a positive impact on people’s lives and society.

Albin Warin, CEO of XT.COM exchange, expressed his excitement about the listing of ILUC token on the platform, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome ILUC to the XT.COM exchange. ILUC’s unique mission of promoting love and kindness aligns perfectly with our vision of fostering positive and meaningful connections within the crypto community. As we continue to prioritize projects that bring real value and positive impact, we believe ILUC’s listing will not only provide our users with a compelling investment opportunity but also contribute to spreading positivity worldwide. ”

About The “I Love You Coin” Project

The need for such a cryptocurrency has become even more evident during the current global pandemic, where people are grappling with anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety have soared, highlighting the significance of ILUC’s aim to alleviate these problems by fostering positivity and kindness during these challenging times. By offering a message of hope, positivity, and kindness, ILUC aims to create a sense of community, love, and friendship, especially when physical isolation prevents people from forming social connections. The project’s technical foundation seeks to provide users with a safe and efficient experience in the cryptocurrency space, coupled with a message of hope and positivity that extends beyond traditional investment opportunities.

The project’s partnerships with charities and non-profit organizations reflect its commitment to creating a positive impact on society. ILUC allocates a percentage of its revenue to these charitable causes, fostering a win-win situation that allows users to support social initiatives while investing in a cryptocurrency with a purpose. The project’s unique approach attracts users who value the importance of spreading love and kindness and want to actively contribute to making a positive change in the world. By embracing a holistic approach to cryptocurrency and intertwining it with social values, ILUC emerges as a powerful platform that seeks to create a better world through positivity and compassion.

Gáspár Incze is the youngest member of the team. Currently a university student, he is studying management at Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Gáspár participated in several social initiatives, having volunteered as a tour guide at the Teleki Castle in the village of Gornești and currently working at ÉRTED, a Transylvanian Hungarian student initiative committed to community work, mainly in the cultural, scientific, economic, and environmental areas.