“Cool Japan Data & Digital Marketing Festival” held from 21st to 24th of November


The Cool Japan Data & Digital Marketing Festival Executive Committee [Secretariat: Vpon Japan K.K., located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, with the Executive Director Yoshitaka Shinohara (Chief Strategy Officer at Vpon Japan K.K.)] convened the “First Cool Japan Data & Digital Marketing Festival 2022“, an online and offline event intended to enhance the digital shifting opportunity of the Cool Japan Strategy, promoted by the Japanese Government from November 21 (Monday) to 24 (Thursday), 2022.

The opening session conducted on November 21, the first day of the event, demonstrated the importance of utilizing data and conducting digital marketing, with the participation of key persons representing both public and private sectors, such as Mr. Hidetoshi Nakata, the Representative Director of Japan Craft Sake Company Co., Ltd., as well as representatives of Japan National Tourism Organization, Osaka Convention and Tourism Bureau, Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan, Otafuku Sauce Co., Ltd., Japan Professional Football League, Ebara Foods Industry, Inc., among others, taking the platform. Mr. Yoshitaka Shinohara, the CSO of Vpon Holdings and the organizer of this evet pointed out “the main issue for the the Cool Japan Strategy is defenitely the needs the data & digital marketing”. Mr. Kyoji Kuramochi, Deputy Director for JNTO added  “We need to use the data as much as possible and analyse them”. Mr. Hiroya Miyata, Otafuku Sauce company which covers over 50 countries stated “We have used the digital marketing to promote our products in the countries which nobody knows our products”, and showed the potentials for global market implementations by utilizing big data and digital technologies.

Furthermore, the “1st Cool Japan Data & Digital Marketing Award” that awarded prizes to examples of advanced digital marketing associated with Cool Japan, was also convened at the same time, and on this occasion, Niigata Prefecture & Zeroin, was awarded the Grand Prize for Excellence. The judges commented “every finalists show their love for Japan and the local area, which was excellent.”

This very first event was attended by such individuals as business operators seeking to accelerate overseas implementation of their products and services while Japanese yen is depreciated, as well as tourism industry-related people who are seeking to disseminate information about regional attractions to the world. The event offered a significant impact for people seeking to accelerate implementation of their product and service offerings to tourists visiting Japan, while the inbound demand is in a trend of recovery. The Executive Committee intends to continue providing support to enhance digital shifting opportunities in the future. (Watch Replay)

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