
King AbdulAziz University Launches its Flagship Scientific Platform Heralding A New Dawn in Authoritative Learning

The King AbdulAziz University recently announced the launch of their platform – KAUSP (King Abdulaziz University Scientific Platform) designed to provide full-text searchable academic content to students and researchers in sync with cutting-edge technology.

The university has digitized its research output including books, journals, and theses, in varied subjects, and put them on a full text searchable platform that can be accessed by other universities and research centers globally. For the first time King AbdulAziz University will be exporting its research output to the rest of the World.

KAUSP is powered by the Al Manhal ePublishing platform. The Al Manhal platform is still the only platform that allows for full text searchability for Arab language.  The platform also adheres to other library standards including IP Authentication, remote access, Athens, and indexes with OCLC, Summon, and EBSCO Discovery Services.  This allows libraries globally to access and subscribe to the KAUSP collection.

Ranked as the number one university in the Middle East, and among the top 200 globally, this move is likely to strengthen the university’s position as leaders in excellence among the academic community.

“With its wide variety of inbuilt research and academic services, King Abdulaziz University’s Scientific Platform is truly consistent with the Kingdom’s 2030 vision! It aligns with the university’s strategy to enhance their digital infrastructure to fuel operational efficiency and shall well serve employees, students, researchers and visitors in their academic endeavors”, opines His Excellency the Dean of Library Affairs, Dr. Nabil Qumsani.

Dr. Ghassan bin Rashid Al-Nuwaimi, His Excellency the Deputy Deanship of Library Affairs expresses his optimism about the platform and says that “I feel KAUSP truly has the potential to promote an academic environment that stimulates and nurtures creativity! With its advanced data and smart analysis capabilities, it’s sure to make tangible improvements in the efficiency and reliability of research produced.”

“It is our objective to support institutions from the Middle East and Muslim World to make their valued scientific output truly exportable and accessible to the rest of the World, regardless of the language of their research output. This will exponentially increase the visibility and usage of the content coming out of King AbdulAziz University, a main priority of theirs. Using advanced analytics and dashboards the university will be able to get deep insights into how their research is being used, what research is in demand, and who is using it. This will impact future research decisions and increase the ROI on research activities,” says Rany AlBaghdadi, President of Al Manhal.

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