Binance Launches Megadrop: A Token Launch Platform with Airdrops and Web3 Quests

Binance has rolled out Binance Megadrop, a novel token launch platform that blends airdrops with Web3 quests. This platform enables users to engage in BNB Locked Products subscriptions and complete tasks within their Web3 Wallet to earn early rewards from chosen Web3 projects, even before their tokens hit the Binance Exchange.

The inaugural project featured on Binance Megadrop is BounceBit (BB), a BTC restaking chain. Here are the token specifics for BounceBit: Max Token Supply: 2,100,000,000 BB, Megadrop Token Rewards: 168,000,000 BB (8% of max token supply), Initial Circulating Supply: 409,500,000 BB (19.5% of max token supply).

To kickstart their journey with Binance Megadrop, users must log into their Binance account and ensure they possess an active Binance Web3 Wallet. From there, they can subscribe to BNB Locked Products and/or fulfill Web3 Quests to accumulate scores. These scores dictate the rewards received through the Megadrop program.

The scoring mechanism for Megadrop relies on the Locked BNB Score, determined by the quantity of BNB subscribed and the subscription period’s duration. Users also earn a Web3 Quest Bonus and a Web3 Quest Multiplier upon completion of designated Web3 Quests. The total score is computed by applying the Web3 Quest Multiplier to the Locked BNB Score and adding the Web3 Quest Bonus.

Importantly, only wallets created within the Binance Web3 Wallet and not external wallets will count towards Megadrop participation. Megadrop rewards will be airdropped to users’ Binance Spot Wallets.

Users must undergo identity verification and maintain at least one active Binance Web3 Wallet to qualify for Megadrop rewards. Additionally, certain jurisdiction-based eligibility criteria apply. Users from Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Russia, Singapore, Syria, United Kingdom, United States of America, and its territories are presently ineligible to participate in BB Megadrop.

Binance Megadrop is aimed at offering users an interactive and rewarding experience within the crypto realm. Further details regarding the Megadrop amount, Web3 Quests, and the comprehensive listing plan will be disclosed separately.


Hello there! I'm a 21-year-old university student majoring in Finnish and Korean Language and Literature. I have a deep passion for art and a profound connection to the natural world. My journey through life has been a colorful one, driven by my love for creativity, music, and the wonders of the great outdoors. As a dedicated student, I've already earned a degree in Classic Cantos, a testament to my appreciation for the timeless beauty of classical music. Beyond the classroom, my artistic spirit thrives through my love for painting and drawing. These creative outlets allow me to express my thoughts and emotions, transforming blank canvases into vibrant stories. My interests go far beyond music and art. Singing, playing the piano, and exploring new melodies are integral parts of my life, providing me with both solace and exhilaration. When I'm not immersed in the world of art and music, I find solace in nature's embrace. My heart is drawn to animals and the serene beauty of the natural world, fueling my desire to protect and preserve our precious environment.