Crunchfish Gesture Interaction – the versatile Skeleton platform


Crunchfish’s Gesture Interaction technology has evolved to a versatile Skeleton platform that addresses many gesture interaction scenarios in AR/VR, public screens as well as automotive applications. Crunchfish’s Skeleton platform was the topic of the sixth Survival of the fittest webinar on February 11th, 2022.

The webinar on Crunchfish Skeleton platform was the sixth of the Survival of the fittest webinar series. After a presentation by Crunchfish Gesture Interaction CEO Joakim NydemarkJohan Wester moderated a Q&A session and open forum also including Daniel Milesson, R&D Director of Crunchfish Gesture Interaction and Joachim Samuelsson, Group CEO of Crunchfish in a panel.

“Crunchfish’s skeleton platform provides a wide range of new solution areas. It also shows a technical versatility that enables new use cases and a variety of features in our gesture control products”says Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish Gesture Interaction.

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